Check to make sure you are in our boundaries
Need a copy of the players birth certificate
Need proof of residency (example: top portion of a utility bill that shows full first and last name along with the address) not a PO Box number
Complete Respect in sports - Parents program. This is an online program that Hockey Alberta has mandated one parent from every family must complete. This program costs $15 and takes approximately 45 min - 1.5 hours to complete. It needs to be completed before your child will be allowed to register with OMHA. For information and a link to take the program please click here.
If you already have a child participating in minor hockey for who you’ve completed the Respect in Sport Parent course, you simply have to log in to your Respect in Sport - Parent Program and add the new player.
Enter your login credentials (username and password) and click Login. Click on Profile, Click on Child Management, and in Child Management, you select ADD CHILD.
Be sure to select Onoway Minor Hockey as your minor hockey association. This step will create a new Hockey Canada ID for your new player.
To create a Hockey Canada Account you will have to login and make a new account. The Hockey Canada accounts have changed since June 2021. See how to here. Click on the person icon in the top right corner and choose 'my account'. You can now link members to your account by obtaining your player’s Hockey Canada ID from RIS or searching them by name and DOB.
TO REGISTER: click here
Check to make sure you are in our boundaries
Need a copy of the players birth certificate
Need proof of residency. Parent declaration form - Please fill out to confirm your address (example: top portion of a utility bill that shows full first and last name along with the address) not a PO Box number
Make sure Respect in sports - Parents program is up to date. This is an online program that Hockey Alberta has mandated one parent from every family must complete. This program costs $15 and takes approximately 45 min - 1.5 hours to complete. It needs to be completed before your child will be allowed to register with OMHA. For information and a link to take the program please click here.
TO REGISTER: click here
If your resident association does not have room for your athlete, and you are looking to join OMHA, you will be required to provide a signed Player Movement Form. This includes players looking to join any female team.
TO REGISTER: click here
OMHA has partnered with Stony Plain Minor Hockey association for all our divisions this season. To register with them go to their website here. No need to fill out a Player Movement Form. Since the special meeting Hockey Alberta has allowed us to by pass this step. Please contact the registrar with any questions.
If your player is playing in another association besides Stony fill out a Player Movement Form and send it to the registrar for signing